What Sets Us Apart

How Our Values Drive Our Mission and Vision

What Sets Us Apart

At Ferguson Law Group, our core values are our COMPASS.  They define who we are, driving our mission, vision, and strategic plan. 

Our core values are:



Outdoors & Adventure Lovers


Planning for Financial Freedom


Small Town in a Big City

Stability of Family

We are intellectually creative and lifelong learners who believe our most valuable assets are our minds. We recognize that what we write changes lives and our ability to craft words is a superpower, so we are intentional about what we spend our mental energy on. We seek wisdom, which is more than knowledge or education; it can only be gained through a lifelong attempt to acquire it. We continuously seek new and better forms of knowledge to apply to our work, and our team members are expected to be on the cutting edge of our industry. Education is a beautiful tool we can use to change the world, and although our bodies may someday fail us, we will learn as if we will live forever.

At Ferguson Law Group, we love what we do and do what we love, embracing the unique challenges presented to us. We thrive in our work because we truly love helping clients solve complex estate planning, trust administration, and business problems. As a group, we value a sense of adventure and take every opportunity to be outdoors to appreciate nature. Our travel and adventures invigorate our work.

We believe our professional responsibility demands we mentor the next generation of lawyers, becoming who we needed when we were younger while also creating an age-diverse workforce. This philosophy permeates our internal culture and structure so we can each reach our full potential. 

We realize that self-worth is not tied to net worth, but financial freedom allows us to fully experience life. We believe the benefits of financial freedom for our clients and ourselves are the ability to focus on what we want to do and not on what we “have to” do. With financial freedom, our team and our clients can take calculated risks, dream bigger dreams for the future, enjoy better health, and feel more confident. We can each make decisions based on long-term goals – not on immediate survival – so we can develop a healthy relationship with money and spending.

We are committed to knowing ourselves, being ourselves, and bringing our best selves to work. We recognize that physical health is a priority and believe that mental health and wellbeing are foundational to our success. Ferguson Law Group seeks feedback from and listens to peers and community members we respect. We take intentional time away from the office to self-reflect and encourage team members to explore matters that pique their interests. 

We are respected by colleagues and fair with clients. We are routinely in the same courts, with the same judges and colleagues, so our community operates on respect. We appreciate and care for referrals sent by our valued clients and colleagues. We endeavor to grow our network, committing to speaking engagements with various communities to discuss the work we do and how our expertise can help them or their clients through difficulties or attend events hosted by our referring clients and colleagues.

Ultimately, we exist for family – for our clients’ families and for our own. Our attorneys encourage equitable resolutions to family strife, and we recognize that family stability is a big factor in financial security. Ferguson Law Group strives for efficiency in work to allow you as much time with loved ones as possible.

What Our Clients Say