Practice Area

Basic Estate Planning

San Jose Estate Planning Attorneys

Financial Security to Dream Bigger

It is a common misconception that trusts are only for the wealthy. In reality, nearly all people would benefit from having a living trust. In California, anyone with an estate over $184,500 or who owns real estate will leave their property subject to a costly and slow-moving probate if they do not have a trust. Creating a living trust can also minimize the expense and delay associated with post-death administration, reduce the likelihood of disputes after death, and avoid court involvement in the event of mental incapacity.

Our basic estate planning attorneys’ goals are to create a sense of financial security and foster family stability. Our endeavor to create financial freedom for our clients and their families enables them to dream bigger for the future. At the foundation of our work, Ferguson Law Group works efficiently to allow you as much time with loved ones as possible.

The San Jose estate planning attorneys at Ferguson Law Group design and draft individually tailored estate plans that accomplish our client’s long-term goals while simplifying the estate administration process.

We also offer:

As part of our estate planning process, we prepare the following documents:

Revocable Living Trusts

A living trust is a document by which the creator (called a “settlor”) funds the trust with assets, including real estate, bank accounts, stocks, and other assets. The settlor retains control over the assets during their lifetime, and they can modify or revoke the trust at any time. A successor trustee is designated to manage the trust assets after the settlor’s death or incapacity. After the settlor dies, the assets in the trust are managed according to the terms of the trust and (depending on the terms of the trust) distributed to the trust beneficiaries.

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A will is a document by which the creator (the “testator”) alerts friends, family, and the court of their post-death wishes for their property. A will also names a guardian if the testator has minor children. Whether someone has a trust or not, everyone should have a will to determine who inherits their property and to minimize post-death disputes.

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Durable Financial Powers of Attorney

Durable financial powers of attorney designate a person or persons to manage the financial affairs of the principal party in the event they become incapacitated.

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Advance Health Care Directives

An advance health care directive is a legal healthcare document that designates a person or persons to make medical decisions on behalf of a loved one who can no longer make their own medical decisions due to mental or physical impairment. Items commonly addressed in advance health care directives include where the principal will live, continuing or terminating artificial nutrition, and other important medical and end-of-life considerations.

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For additional information about Ferguson Law Group’s Basic Estate Planning services,
please contact: 408-296-3700

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